The operation consisted of the reopening of the Pau-Cangranc railway line between Oloron and Bedous, which is located in the departement of Pyrénées Atlantiques (64).
This single-track line will be electrified, form part of the UIC 9 AV group (with travellers) and commercially operated by the SNCF (TER).
Diades, as Setec Ferroviaire’s sub-contractor, carried out the diagnostics and the rehabilitation studies of 150 line structures as follows:
- Engineering structures (25),
- Hydraulic structures (46),
- Tunnels (7),
- Retaining walls (72),
In order to provide a better understanding of the structures, specific investigations were carried out in respect of the large metal structures (inspections, dimensional measurements, and underwater investigations).
Client & Project Manager

The reopening of the railway line connecting Oloron to Bedous has a particular political, environment and economic context.
The project phase studies required particular attention to identify, specifically, the techniques proposed on the structures in the direct vicinity of the Gave d’Oloron:
- Reopening of a railway line which has been shut for 30 years
- 150 structures diagnosed
Mission of Diades
As part of the work of the project management consortium, from project planning to the works themselves, Diadès carried out the following tasks:
- Analysis of the pre-project planning area,
- Visit of the line’s 150 structures.
- Feasibility study and qualitative analysis to optimise the perimeter based on financial criteria and maintenance of the structures in the medium term.
- Recalculation of the line’s small metal structures,
- Inspection and dimensional measurements of two large lattice- type metal structures (spanning 45m and 65 m),
- specific investigations to determine the mechanical properties of existing metal structures,
- Paint sampling and laboratory analysis to diagnose waste and determine the presence of heavy metals and asbestos,
- Running underwater investigation,
- Project planning (PRO),
- Preparation of tender documents (DCE),
- Assistance in awarding contracts (ACT),
- Project conformity assessment and approval of plans (VISA),
- Supervision of works (DET),
- Approval of works on completion (AOR).